2D Artwork

 Privat Projects
A Basset Hound

Fish on blackboard 

The three drawings below are some character designs I made for 
our bachelor film, Porcelain. The film is set in a poor fisher community in 
Denmark in the late 1800. The film is going to be in 3D. The Art Director whanted 
long arms and bodies and short legs for the fishermen, and serious expressions.
The film will be out in the vinter of 2013.

The fishermen Povl and Lars

The main character Povl 

Povl close-up

Tim the Tortoise
In the "3D Artwork"-folder you can view a 5 sec. long
shot of Tim the Tortoise. The two drawings below were used 
in the process of building Tim in 3D.
Turnaround of Tim´s head

Tim´s shield seen from the front 

Monster is a four legged character. I tried to 
draw him from the front and the side.
Monster from the side

Monster from the front
Il Postino
In the "3D Artwork"-folder you can view the short film 
"Il Postino". Below is two of the character designs i made for 
the projects. Sadly non of them was chosen.
 The little girl

The cool boy

Sketchbook Designs
The three characters below are taken from my sketchbook and 
coloured in Photoshop. The characters were also a part of my portfolio 
when i applied for TAW (The Animation Workshop).

The teacher

The evil student 


Short films from "The Animation Workshop"

The Outsider
The Outsider was a film-Jam project directed
by Tod Polson. I helped developing the story and color 
some of the final backgrounds.

The Outsider -"The Dude" from Ida Mårtensson on Vimeo.
The Outsider

Pig Noir is a short film made for "Dyrenes Beskyttelse". For this project I 
worked on design, storyboard, layout, coloring and sound.

Pig Noir from Ida Mårtensson on Vimeo.
 Pig Noir

The Backgrounds
Below is the backgrounds i did for "Pig Noir".
 The corner

 The alley

Corner nr. two